Approval flows allow you to create a group of users and design a flow for specific boards on who needs to approve things and in what order. To see how this works we've included the video below that will work you through everything.
An Approval flow consists of 3 sections
1. The name (can be anything you wish)
2. The originators (please will be the users who create items that need to follow an approval process)
3. The boards (here you will choose which boards and the order of approvers for each of those boards)
Once you have that information entered a user will be presented with a dropdown to choose a flow when creating an agenda item. If they are an originator in multiple it will ask them which one to use. If they are creating an item for a board that has no approval process the option to choose a flow will disappear.
When a user creates an item that follow a flow it will assign the item to them as soon as its created and will be sitting in their inbox.
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