- Added a "No Stance" option to our speaking commenting form
Board Templates
- Added ability to set an agenda group as a "Live Topic". This will allow the group to be clickable during a live meeting from the list on the left. (Please note that when doing this you cannot make any types of motion when choosing it and public registration is also not possible)
- User Role Updates
- Manager
- Removed access to Processes
- Approver
- Added ability to delete attachments
- Can now skip steps in ordered list custom field
- Removed ability to Set Agenda, Lock Agenda, and Publish Meeting
- Removed ability to unlock locked agenda items. Now only Manager and Admin roles can do this
- Removed ability to "Remove" agenda items from a meeting. Now only Manager or Admin roles can do this
- Manager
- Added the agenda group number to the agenda items letter when printing and generating pdfs for staff reports
- Changed time interval when scheduling a meeting to every 15 minutes instead of every 30
- Added new filtering options for time span of Future and Past. Future returns any meetings starting at the current day and after no matter how far into the future they are scheduled. Past does the exact opposite starting at the current day and goes back.
- Add a new capability for cancelling meetings. Now when you cancel a meeting you are presented with a notice document where you can modify the content to whatever you wish.
- You have the option to select between a cancellation or adjournment notice. When changing the type it will update the type of notice accordingly in the app and public portal.
- You can make changes to the notice in draft mode and then publish those changes whenever desired.
- This notice is also printable for posting outside of city hall
- Added ability to hide timestamps for individual items on your minutes document
- Added ability to enter minutes information at the group heading level as well as on individual items. There is now a little document icon next to the groups name which you can click and enter minutes information just like you do with topics
- Added an Upcoming Meetings section at the top of the agenda list that will show any meetings happening within the current and next week. If you are using our direct link urls for specific boards this list will be filtered to only show that boards upcoming meetings. The full filterable list is then shown underneath this. We did this in order to make it easier for citizens to access the most pertinent meeting's information.
Bug Fixes
- When using extend action modal it was showing all agenda groups no matter what board was selected
- Fixed a bug that would cause letters to be one letter off on bulk vote group items report pdfs.
- This bug would be caused by removing something from the bulk vote group while building a meeting and there were other items in the group. It was looking at a topic that sits behind the scenes that's used for our live meeting capabilities thus throwing the letter off.
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