We've implemented a new printing web server to better handle printing staff reports. This new server eliminates issue with text or table rows getting cut off in between pages. We will also be introducing the ability to add your own page breaks into the editor in an upcoming release.
- We've added an additional layer of error monitoring to notify support immediately of errors that may occur to users via the app so that our team can be proactive on resolving.
- If you share an agendas public url and then take down the published agenda the URL will then hide the agenda and say it's currently unavailable until you set it as published again
- When syncing meetings to CableCast it now includes anything with a "Completed" status
- Resolved an issue with scrolling on the home view from lower resolution laptops and iPads
- While running a live meeting and your device lost internet connection even if for a second it would cause the application to throw an error
Known Issue
For anyone using the new BrightSign 5 series players (XT1145) we are aware of an hdmi input issue where the video will freeze almost instantly. This is a physical firmware problem with the manufacturer and they are aware of the problem. They are working to remedy as quickly as possible. Once we've been notified of a firmware to resolve it will be deployed to your players.
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