Agenda Topics
- Revision history has gone through a major upgrade. You can now review revisions and see what was changed and who changed it with color highlighting.
Live Meetings
- If using custom wording on a motion the "Fail Motion" button now also appears for this. (Previously you would only see it on canned motions you had setup in the app)
- For entities who use proxy and weighted voting, that information is shown in the motion slide outs in your minutes review now.
- When updating the cover sheet on a specific meeting it will now auto-save with the editor open and you see the typical green cloud save icon.
Video Integrations
- When updating chapter markers on a video you can now also set them on agenda groups as well as individual topics (we also changed the design from buttons with words to icon buttons)
- Minor UI enhancements
Bug Fixes
- If you had a topic where you were adding additional motions it was holding onto the previous motion person's name on the new motion. It now goes back to "Please Choose" for new motions.
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