Agenda Topics
- Added the ability to expand the document editor to take up the entire screen (expand button is just to the left of the cloud save icon)
- Updated revision history to show newest revisions on top in a descending order
Live Meetings
- Updated functionality on how live meetings are ended to prevent ending a test meeting and it getting stuck still running making you have to force adjourn it. Now when you end a meeting a loading screen appears noting to stand by while the meeting is ended. Once the server has finished processing ending the meeting it will send you back to the home page.
- Enhanced time stamping of meeting videos upon adjourning a live meeting to provide more accurate initial chapter markers. (We compare when you clicked the topic during the meeting vs the meeting's scheduled start time to set its initial chapter marker).
- Motions have been expanded to provide more granular control
- You can now change the type of motion while the motion is on the floor all the way up to starting a vote ((This way if you accidentally choose the wrong motion type you can change it before starting a vote))
- Only one motion is actually active at a time (the top one which also has a blue border). Any other motions that haven't been voted on show a "Make Active Motion" button which allows you activate a specific motion in your list of motions. Once you press the button it instantly updates the motion information on board member screens and the live feed.
- There's a new option on approvals that allow you to check if you want it to be for all users or specific ones. When checking all users it hides the originators list and every user will then have that as an approval process to choose from when creating or duplicating an item.
- Added support for PTZ Optics Camera Joystick Controller
- Added support for NewBlueFX Captivate
- Added macro controls of Cablecast (can be setup to automatically take your live stream offline and convert back to your bulletin board for you PEG channel / 24/7 stream when you end a live meeting) ** Requires Cablecast software version 7.8.5
Misc UI Improvements
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue with custom field injection into a report that would cause a custom field that wasn't a user list to add ", undefined" after the values.
- A nameplate could potentially revert itself back to the builtin design layout instead of the custom uploaded image
- Updating the agenda header on a board via the boards section was getting stuck with the spinning save icon
- Added a check to prevent uploading attachments on windows computers that would be missing the .pdf file extension
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